Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cari’s Story Essay

How could an infection in Cari’s nasal passages and pharynx spread into her sinuses? An infection will spread because the pharynx, larynx and sinuses are all connected, so the infection is going to spread to the sinuses and the surrounding areas. What is the cough reflex? Describe the process that Cari’s respiratory system is using to clear her lungs by coughing? The cough reflex is a deep and long inhalation that is followed by the closing the glottis, this causes a strong exhalation that will push the glottis open and sends the air through the respiratory passage. The coughing occurs when a foreign body is in the larynx, trachea or the epiglottis. Cari is coughing because the mucous and fluid buildup in her lungs and her body is to get rid of it. Which structures found in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli normally would protect Cari’s lungs from infectious pathogens and particulate matter? The alveolar macrophage protects her lungs because they wonder around the alveoli space and it collects dust, particles and debris. Cari does smoke and it has caused the cilia in her respiratory passage way to become paralyzed and then it secretes the excess amounts of mucus. The macrophages are sent to the lungs and it gets stuck in the mucus and it can’t fight off the pathogens. How would the resistance of Cari’s airways be affected by excess mucus and fluid in her lung? Cari isn’t getting adequate oxygen because the pressure of fluid and the mucus buildup in her lungs. This is not allowing her lungs to expand so she can get the breath her body needs. The fluid buildup and the pressure are not allowing her oxygen to disperse to the areas it needs. How would Cari’s lung compliance (the effort required to expand the lungs) be altered as her alveoli fill with fluid due to pneumonia? The fluid in her lungs makes it hard to expand because the fluid makes the alveoli sticky and it can’t expand and open. How would fluid in Cari’s lungs affect her total lung capacity? Cari’s lung capacity would go down due to the fact that the air space is being taken up by the fluid in her lungs. How does the elevation of Cari’s respiratory rate alter her minute ventilation? Cari’s respiratory rate will increase her minute ven tilation. Normal blood oxygen saturation levels are greater than 94 percent; Cari’s blood oxygen saturation levels are greater 90 percent at the time of her exam and an initial arterial blood gas analysis done when  she was admitted to the hospital revealed her arterial Po2 was 54mmHg. How do these clinical findings relate to the internal respiration in Cari’s body? Cari’s oxygen saturation level was 90% and the Po2 of mmHg would show that her arteries are having too much oxygen. A normal resting mmHg is 40% and exercises lower Po2level. A normal resting oxygen level is 94%. Which of the symptoms Cari has described are due to the lack of oxygen and reduced oxygen exchange at her tissues? Cari said she is â€Å"panting like a dog† is due from the lack of oxygen and t reduces her oxygen exchange. As Cari’s Pco2 rose, how was the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin affected? The oxygen carrying of hemoglobin volume with the rise of Pco2 will decrease since the Co2 will take O2’s seat. How would you have expected Cari’s decreased Pco2 and alkaline blood pH to have affected her breathing? Cari’s pH and Pco2 will decrease and her rate of breathing will also be decreasing. How would administration of oxygen enhance Cari’s central drive to breathe? Cari would be able to breathe better when oxygen was administered to her. Which anatomical structures in Cari’s respiratory system were initially involved? The structures involved are the trachea, nasal, pharynx, and larynx, and the lungs. Why was Cari plagued with a chronic smoker’s cough? Cari is plagued with a chronic smoker’s cough because she has a 20 year history of smoking. Which damaging effects of tobacco smoke led to Cari’s impaired respiratory defense mechanisms? There are damages to the epithelial with those damages comes the body’s repair process. How did the pneumonia affect Cari’s lung function? Cari’s was having problems getting adequate oxygen, because of the fluid in her lungs. The pneumonia is an infection from bacteria that can affect the body, because of her smoking it made it hard for her lungs to get air.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects of Growing Up in a Dysfunctional Family Essay

When some people look back on their childhood they see happy times full of family memories, traditions, love, and encouragement. When I look back on my childhood I remember drug abuse, visiting my step father in jail, going without utilities, and playing the role of a mother at the age of eight. I knew I was different from other children. I knew that my parents depended on me to play the role of an adult. They depended on me to get up every morning and get my brother and sister on the school bus. I knew they depended on me to go straight home from school every day so I could babysit. I would wake my mom up for work so she could work two jobs to support us and then I would cook dinner. Homework, friends, and things I wanted came last and I knew I didn’t have a choice. Indeed, my family was, and is, dysfunctional. What is dysfunction? Dictionary. com defines dysfunctional as any malfunctioning part or element. Dysfunction contains many aspects of unhealthy relating. Unhealthy relating can include such things as manipulation, using guilt or anger as motivation and at its most severe, abuse, including verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. Dysfunction is something that is passed down from generation to generation until it is implemented into the family. From family to family there are different levels of dysfunction which span from mild dysfunction, to moderate dysfunction, and even severe dysfunction. A child growing up in a mildly dysfunctional environment tends to have an easier time fitting into society and functioning normally in life and their life may not be effected at all. One example of a mild dysfunction is a parent treating a child like an adult or making the child take care of the adult either emotionally or physically. The adult treats the child as if they were an equal rather than a child. This results in the child having difficulties later in life in relationships getting their own needs met. This comes from having to give up a lot of these needs as a child to take care of the parent. An example of moderate dysfunction in a family is having a parent who is an alcoholic or drug addict. Because the child sees this on a regular basis, these behaviors are deemed to be â€Å"normal† or â€Å"accepted† behavior. The parents’ drug and alcohol abuse increases the risk of a child abusing drugs or alcohol causing a strain in the child’s relationships later in life. Parents who use drugs tend to become emotionally absent and may, under the influence, scare the child, and may consistently disappoint the child. Severe dysfunction is the highest level of dysfunction. This occurs when a parent physically or sexually abuses the child on a regular basis, which severely damages the child on many levels. Children who grow up in these environments tend to need a lot of help and lengthy treatment to heal. Some children are not able to heal at all and without help, the patterns of abuse are likely to be passed down to the next generation. Along with different levels of dysfunction there are specific roles each person in the family plays. There is the dependent, the enabler, the hero, the scapegoat, the lost child, and the mascot. The only exception is the only child. An only child tends to take on multiple roles, at the same time or alternating between roles. Because of this, the only child tends to have a great deal of confusion and overwhelming pain. The dependent is the spouse that causes the family problems. The dependent, also known as the problem spouse, has a serious problem and it impacts every other member of the family and is taken care of by every member of the family. The enabler is the spouse that allows the dependent to continue his or her actions so that the dependent does not have to face consequences of his or her own actions. The enabler feels angry and resentful about having to pick up the slack of the dependent; they feel powerless to do anything to stop it. The enabler feels that they should act this way because without them holding everything together the family will fall apart. Since the family’s survival is dependent on the enabler, they may pay the cost of stress-related illnesses, never having his or her own needs met, and be a sufferer for the cause of the family. Ironically, because the enabler permits the dependent’s behavior, they are also preventing the corrective experience that crisis brings, which may be the only thing that stops the dependents downward spiral. The hero is usually the oldest child. They are also named as â€Å"the good child† or â€Å"the caretaker†. The hero takes on the role of a parent and feels responsible for the emotional health of the family. The hero is characteristically an over-achiever and over-responsible. The family looks at the hero’s as a source of humility and honor, and it makes the family feel as if they are doing well. The hero may do well in school and be good at sports and obtain good employment while inside the hero suffers from feelings of insufficiency, failure, or guiltiness. These feelings derive from thoughts that no matter how well the hero does, it will not heal the wounds of their family. The hero’s obsessive drive to accomplish something may lead to stress-related illness as well as compulsive over working. Since the hero tries so hard to do well, he or she often obtains a great deal of positive attention. However, inwardly, the hero feels empty and unable to express their true feelings. The second born usually plays the role of the scapegoat and is also known as â€Å"the problem child†. The scapegoat is characteristically the trouble maker and is blamed for the majority of the family’s problems. He or she acts out in anger or defiance because of the built up feelings they harvest inside because all the families attention goes toward the dependent or the hero and they are being ignored. The scapegoat often gets labeled as the family’s problem because of their experimentation with alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sexuality, involvement in adolescent gangs, or criminal activity. It is often the difficulty of the scapegoat that leads the family into treatment or counseling. Along with drug or alcohol abuse, the scapegoat’s acting out may bring with it early pregnancy when they are not prepared, or incarceration. The irresponsible attitude and hostility tends to lead them to acts of violence against themselves or others. This defiance affects their opportunity to obtain adequate income leading them into outright criminality to earn a living. The scapegoat has lost touch with their morality, casting them in the role of a rebel. The characteristically shy, lonely, isolated child is dubbed as the lost child. The lost child feels like an outsider and feels like their parents and siblings ignore them. The lost child removes themselves from the chaos of their family, often engaging in their own fantasy world. The lost child has trouble identifying themselves and discovering who they are. They are often confused about their sexual identity and have weak communication skills and difficulties with intimacy. The only way the lost child knows how to seek attention is by wetting the bed, and getting sick with asthma or allergies. They take care of themselves by easing their pain with overeating, or drowning their problems with alcohol or drug abuse. Low self-esteem usually ends all attempts of achievement. The lost child often has few friends and has trouble finding a marriage partner later in life. Instead, he or she tends to comfort their lack of intimate relationships with pets or other material possessions. The lost child is often stuck in his or her own isolation preventing them from getting professional help. Clowning and hyperactivity are the main characteristics of the mascot who is often the youngest child. The mascot attempts to be the center of attention, or tries to make the family feel better through his or her comical relief. They use their comic efforts as a defense mechanism. Even though the mascot is protected from tribulations of life, they still feel intense anxiety and concern. Because the family tends to try to protect the mascot, he or she is often unprepared and immature when they grow into adulthood. The only way they know how to deal with problems is to change the subject or by fooling around. Since the mascot uses comedy frequently, they are rarely taken seriously and are often a subject or subjected to criticism or rejection. The mascot may develop a learning disability because of struggling with concentration and focusing in school. They tend to be unaware of their feelings because they fear their own emotions. Since the mascot fears their own inner feelings, it prevents them from getting the help they need; often leading to intense depression and even suicide. Growing up in a dysfunctional family changes a child’s outlook on life. It changes the way they grow up, the way they act, and the way they view normal behaviors. Children in a dysfunctional family miss necessary milestones in growing development to prepare them for adulthood. They, in other words, grow up too fast. Children of severely dysfunctional families are often subjected to sexual abuse becoming the substitute spouse for the parent of the opposite sex. Children of dysfunctional families have their boundaries violated by their parents. Children either do not have any freedom or too much freedom. When a child grows up in a physical or sexual abusing family their physical boundaries are desecrated leading them to not being able to set boundaries in adult relationships. When a parent is intoxicated most of the time it creates confusion about which behaviors are appropriate and which are not. Children growing up seeing these kinds of behavior on a daily basis see these behaviors as normal. These children of dysfunctional families grow into teenagers with more emotional problems. Many of them end up using drugs severely or turn to alcohol. Teenagers who were sexually abused, or molested, have a tendency to have many sexual partners because they were forced to have sex as a child, they have a conscience thought that they cannot say no. Many teenagers from a dysfunctional family try to escape the realities and runaway to try to find a better life. They in fact find prostitution, drug use, and some even find death. Females from a dysfunctional family triple the chance of having a baby before the age of twenty. When children from a dysfunctional family grow up they become adults. These adults can lead their lives in one of two directions: either role with the dysfunction and not try to stop it and raising their children the same way, or they can fight it and try to change it to keep it from spreading to the next generation. When someone chooses to not fight it, they inflict the same pain on their children as they had experienced without truly realizing it. Since they saw dysfunction their whole lives they feel like it is normal and there is no problem with it. When someone chooses to overcome it, they inflict a great deal of stress on themselves. Some participate in counseling, or therapy, and some try to fight it on their own. Some people may not be able to completely erase the dysfunction. It may take generation after generation to change. For example, someone from a severely dysfunctional family may try to change the dysfunction in their own family but, in fact, only change to a moderately dysfunctional family. Then someone from a moderately dysfunctional family may only be able to change it to a mild dysfunction in their own family. It takes generations of work to change the ways of the family. There are many ways, many different routes people can take to try to overcome the dysfunction they have dealt with throughout their childhood. Many try counseling or therapy. Some just try to fight their way through it. Either way there are many ways to overcome it and change your life. It takes drive and fight to change patterns of dysfunction but with work and determination it is possible. I grew up in a family of severe dysfunction. I am twenty five years old and have seen more than anyone else I know my age. I played the role of the hero, the lost child, and the replacement spouse. I have dealt with more than I should have at any age. But after all this, I know I can and will do better for my family. In my opinion, anything can be overcome, anything can be changed. There are so many ways for a family to be dysfunctional and so many different roles for a child who deals with that kind of pain. Everything can be overcome and changed for the better. Children from a dysfunctional family do endure a great deal of pain and it changes their lives forever.

Monday, July 29, 2019

General Motors Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

General Motors - Article Example Bowen and Radhakrishna (1991) define motivation as a force that makes an organism or a person to respond. Thus an effective manager must be aware of the various factors that induce his or her employees to behave in a certain way. One of the significance theories that early managers adopted in their management was related to the appetitive function. According to this theory, the result of motivated employees which is the outcome of the forces and stimulus provided by the employers is brought about by imagination, memory as well as perception.According to James (2010) in his article on understanding employee’s motivation, staffs are not only motivated by salary increment but also by other factors such as more responsibilities, training, and shifts among others. Additionally, James (2010) covers the Hawthorne studies that sought to indicate the significance of human relations to the managers especially in focusing at the motivation and the needs of the employees. Two major ways t hat GM can emulate to maintain a productive work force is through provision of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators. Intrinsic factors include recognition of the hard working employees. This may be undertaken by promoting them or making them to be team leaders. On the other hard, James (2010) argues that a firm can provide job security and increased salaries as key extrinsic factors. James depicts that managers should also ensure equity among the employees as a way of motivating them. Equity is attained when the ratio of a worker’s output over inputs is the same with that of other employees (James, 2010). Studies undertaken by Adams (1965) indicate that for managers to effectively motivate their employees, it is paramount to first understand their goals. This is based on the fact that the goals of the employees vary. Through the provision of hygiene factors that include security, safety, salary, fringe benefits among others Adams (1965) argues that employees are powerfully motivated. Thus it is paramount for the GM managers to determine what their employees like and dislike so as to identify the appropriate hygiene factor to emulate. Adams (1965) argues that employees like six major aspect to improve their performance. First is achievement. This implies that workers are motivated when tangible goals are derived from their efforts. Secondly, employees like to be appreciated and recognized by their managers and other workers. Thirdly, employees are motivated by the work itself. For example, employees who enjoy working in garages will be more motivated if the GM managers take them to the production facility. Fourthly, workers are motivated when their responsibilities are increased. Fifthly, labor force is significantly motivated through promotion and advancement within their firm. In the same way, workers performance is enhanced when a company creates opportunities for growth. This can be undertaken by ensuring that workers are given ample opportunities to undertake part time courses either within the firm or from high institutions of learning. To ensure its employees in various parts of the word are motivated and are focused at attaining their own goals and those of the organization, General Motors should adopt McClelland's Human

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Challenges to IPR Posed by the Internet Term Paper

The Challenges to IPR Posed by the Internet - Term Paper Example The Internet has revolutionized the availability of information and legal boundaries of digital property have been subject to increasing uncertainty in a knowledge-based economy. Information is the new mantra that spells success in the modern world. Intellectual capital is important and the use of business worldwide webs spells power. Before the advent of the Internet and technology, it was physically a tedious job to reproduce and distribute plagiarized copied of copyrighted works in a physical environment and making of such copies was also a relatively expensive process. However, as Lawrence Lessig points out, the online environment is so structured that a page can be copied without leaving a trace so that the footprints of the pirate are difficult to track.   Hannabuss has highlighted the ethical issues that arise in the realm of intellectual property because through the facility of the Internet,   infringement has become increasingly easy, and it is a simple matter to â€Å" pass off† someone else’s creation as one’s own. IP rights that were once deemed to be adequate to exercise the right mix of control between preserving the creativity and economic incentive of the copyright owner vis a vis the use of the material by the public for fair dealing purposes, is being challenged by the jumps in technology. The evolution of the electronic medium for the purpose of transacting business has created a complex set of legal issues that are at variance with already established legal precedents.   

Exploring Your Family's or a Friend's History of Immigration and how Essay

Exploring Your Family's or a Friend's History of Immigration and how it connects to some of the stories in The life stories - Essay Example When the opportunity came for Filipinos to be in America as Navy recruit or contracted worker, grandfather Protacio’s parents seized the opportunity and enlisted him to join the latter. As the oldest child in the family, grandfather Protacio was forced to accept the opportunity to help his family and build a better future for himself in the United States. Grandfather Protacio left the Philippines to be one of the â€Å"1946 boys† who arrived in U.S. territory as a contracted worker in farmlands. Much like the Syrian immigrants who were awed with the grandeur of New York (Holt 249), grandfather Protacio was equally awed by the richness of American farms compared to the ailing farms in his province and spent so much time at the farm during the day and exploring the city at night that he forgot his responsibilities in the Philippines for a while. Grandfather Protacio has heard a lot of America and its greatness as â€Å"the land of freedom and civilization† (Holt 25 7) thus, he was caught off guard to the racial discrimination when he arrived the same with the Japanese who felt humiliated because of discrimination and abused in his domestic job (Holt 260). At the time grandfather Protacio arrived in the U.S., the Congress has passed a law that permits Filipinos to qualify as American citizens. Despite of this, racial discrimination to Filipinos was very high. According to Melendy in his article â€Å"Filipino Americans†, Filipinos were discriminated due to their skin color and inability to speak English like the white Americans. Like the story of the Chitkara family and the Indian Ab-nen-la-de-ni who experienced the language barrier, grandfather Protacio had difficulty expressing his thoughts and feelings at work due to his limited English. He must â€Å"speak English or remain silent† (Holt 210) not only as a requirement but because the other employees were also immigrants of different nationalities and the only language they can communicate to each other is in English. Although farm works were not new to grandfather Protacio since he came from a family of farmers, the intense labor requiring more hours in the field, irregular meal provision, and unfit clothing for different seasons has taken its toll on his health. Striving to get off in his current situation, grandfather Protacio bargained with his employer to allow him to be a working student. Like Ab-nen-la-de-ni, grandfather Protacio â€Å"went to school in the morning and work in the afternoon† (Holt 211) and did his home works at night in a dimly lit room shared with the other farm workers. The bargain though has been difficult because the wife of his employer did not agree to allow non-American workers to attend school. If the Indian suffered from the attack and mismanagement of the Head Directress in the Institute (Holt 216), grandfather Protacio suffered from mistreatment of his employer’s wife by working unpaid overtime and was accu sed of stealing and selling boxes of fruits in the city. Worst of all, his employment visa was not renewed forcing him to resign and looked for another job that could ensure his stay in the country since he cannot afford to go back empty handed in the Philippines. Grandfather Protacio was desperate but his desire to succeed and help his family fueled him to continue despite the meager amount of money left in his wallet. Fortunately, he found a job in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Employability skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Employability skills - Assignment Example Working in the sales department with a team dealing with customer support is certainly a huge task that comes with huge responsibilities. Setting up personal responsibilities in this area is somehow similar to updating job description to increase tasks and responsibilities, which are congruent with the overall objective of the organization. One needs to ask him/herself the following questions before setting responsibilities; what have I done? What do I need to do in order to progress myself? Finally, how do I execute it? These three questions are important in ensuring that your personal responsibilities meet both personal and interests of the organization. My first personal responsibility as a customer support personnel involves satisfying the expectations of the client. The second responsibility involves coordinating with individual users of our service to assess their needs. The third responsibility involves providing adequate information to the clients all the time. The fourth res ponsibility involves developing effective rapport with other service colleagues. The fifth responsibility involves ensuring that you are up to date with current service delivery methods and procedures to increase customer satisfaction. Performance targets unlike personal responsibilities, which makes use job description, go beyond the tasks and duties stated in the job description. Armstrong, (2009; p6) elucidates that when an idea of high quality job performance crosses your mind then one starts to think about expected job outcomes. Everyone at the work is always expected to meet his or her job objectives and thus the need for personal performance targets. For instance, customer support staffs need to ask themselves the following question in order to effectively set personal performance goals. How am I expected to act with the customers and support center colleagues? What are the mandatory organization values? Finally what procedures, methods and process should I employ? My perform ance targets based on my experience in working as a customer support personnel include but not limited to the following: Responding to at least 90% of all the incoming enquiries either through main or telephone; Attending to at least 99% of all complaints from customers promptly; Enhancing my customer service and interpersonal skills within 3 months. Contact at least 60% of new customers to find out about satisfaction of the services. Contact at least 70% of the clients who received a repair to find out if they were satisfied by the services. Evaluating personal effectiveness against defined objectives is an important undertaking for every employee considering that it demonstrates areas where an individual employee effectively succeeded and where he/she requires improvements (Keller, 2010; p196). Self-assessment is applied in a wide range of professional settings including customer support services and therefore it is a noble idea for customer support personnel to undertake self-ass essment to establish their effectiveness to meet customer care challenges and above all their competence in relation to customer service skills. An evaluation of my personal effectiveness against personal objectives played a significant role in knowing my level of performance with respect to competency in customer service skills. One of the biggest challenges that most employers face is how to motivate their employees to attain their full potential at work. It is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Accounting Scholarship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Accounting Scholarship - Essay Example Next, to this, it is further stated that my aims and objectives are crystal clear. My personal interests, understanding, and abilities in the field of Accounting drive me towards the achievement of professionalism in this field. I also feel that the field of Accounting offers prestigious career options for students like Finance Specialists, Accounting Associates, Financial Accountant, Budget and Management Analysts, Accounting Assistants and Accountants. So, I greatly wish to have some association with any of such jobs as my future career to achieve best possible excellence. Furthermore, I also want to mention that it is my utmost desire to serve in any of a big firm of Accounting in the US like Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young, KPMG etc after completion of my higher studies. The progress and success of these companies really inspired me a lot and motivated to perform even better in life.Next to academics, I also wish to mention here my community involvement. I worked at community level voluntarily several times. I have the great impression as far as my teachers are concerned as I have always participated in class activities, presentations and discussions. I have also created good impression amongst my peers and teachers. So, right now I judge myself as a successful student who is enthusiastic in chasing his goals- a person who wants to consume his tendencies in the accomplishment of his goals. Please give me a chance for this scholarship. I am sure that you will find me a very successful and distinct person.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strategic Management and Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Strategic Management and Leadership - Assignment Example Its range of products include; camera lenses, cameras, microscopes, binoculars, ophthalmic lenses, steppers and measurement instruments (Suzuki et al., 2000). During the 3rd quarter ended in December 31, 2014, the company’s total assets increased by 48, 560 million yen from the past fiscal year to 998,075 million yen. This can be attributed to the increased cash and deposits approximated at 9,827 million yen, inventories by 27,113 million yen, and accounts receivable by 11,056 million yen. On the other hand, total liabilities increased by 20,745 million yen from the previous fiscal year to the 423,448 million yen. This was attributed to the increased accounts payable and notes by 15,106 million yen (Nikon, 2015). Comparing the increased total assets and liabilities, it’s evident that total increase in assets was more than the total increase in liabilities signaling a positive growth for the company. In third quarter of the year ending March 31, 2015, the precision equipment business posted a substantial decline in the income for the Q3 and the three quarters total year on year owing to the decline in sales. Similarly, the imaging products business income and sales decreased for the Q3 and three quarters total year on year. However, the overseas sales in the microscope solutions business increased. As of 31st march, 2015, the company’s net income was 46,824.0 million yens reflecting an increase of 4,365 million yens as compared to the previous year (Nikon, 2015). The increased income reflects the company’s success. The expansion of the company to reach out to seven continents is an indication of not only the increased market share for the company but also indicates how the company has been successful. It’s clear that without success the company could not be able to expand to the seven major continents. This can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Changing roles of the Chaplain Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Changing roles of the Chaplain - Thesis Example Wars bring trauma to military men who are trained to fight in such events. Could this bring more than trauma to those people who are sent to wars who were not trained and not meant to be there in the first place? Chaplains are normally ordained and are officially endorsed clergy of some recognized religious body; however, some people do function as volunteer chaplains without ordination and/or endorsement. The chaplain ministry has grown rapidly over the last fifty years as both the Church and institutional settings have recognized the great need for such a ministry model and have worked to develop a mutually acceptable relationship between the institution and religious ministry.† James Johnson was a chaplain in the Vietnam War. He was sent there in 1967. In his book, Combat Chaplain: A Thirty-year Vietnam Battle, he wrote that he was only 26 years old then when he was sent to Vietnam. There he had 350 young soldier/parishioners. Johnson further stated what he felt as he and other GI soldiers went back to the United States in 1968. The author said, â€Å"So many of them have gone home in body bags. My feelings are a mixture of gladness, sadness, and grief tinged with guilt. I’m making it out and they didn’t (1-2).† Instead of giving focus to the enemies, military men are also given additional task to look after these personnel who were not trained for combat. It is not an easy task for chaplains to perform the things that they were trained to do in a place being where people are killing each other, man against man, brothers against brothers. In every religion, it is being taught that every human being should learn to love his or her man as they may not be brothers by the flesh but they are brothers by blood. In Gun Totin Chaplain, author Jerry Autry was also sent to the Vietnam War as a chaplain. There he made a realization and conclusion that war chaplains are not just tasked to perform

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pathology Assignment on Atheroscelorisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pathology Assignment on Atheroscelorisis - Essay Example Acute coronary syndromes and stroke can result if a ruptured atherosclerotic plaque is superimposed by thrombosis (Falk, 2006; Dugdale, 2010). Normal physiology of arteries Arteries are high-pressure vessels that carry blood to various parts of the body. A cross-section of the normal arterial wall consists of three layers: outer, middle and inner layer. The middle layer or the media consists of tightly packed smooth muscle cells, tissue proteins such as collagen and elastin, and proteoglycans which form gels. The inner layer or the intima consists of loosely packed cells and there are open spaces between the tissue components. The outer layer or the adventitia also consists of loose cells and bundles of collagen and connective tissues. Atherosclerosis occurs in the inner layer or the intima which is a form of connective tissue. These tissues are responsible for providing shape and structure to the body organs. The fibrous tissue proteins such as elastin and collagen which are present in between the cells give strength to the tissue. The arterial intima consists of elastin, collagen and proteoglycans which give strength to the tissue. In addition, the boundary between the arterial intima and the blood is lined by closely packed endothelial cells which prevent the cells and proteins in the blood from coming into contact with the underlying connective tissue (Atherosclerosis, n.d).

Psychology - Aggression Notes Essay Example for Free

Psychology Aggression Notes Essay Evaluate explanations of institutional aggression (16 marks) Strengths In Irwin and Cressey (1962) study they don’t look at inmates having one value. They look at the subcultures within prison. This shows the nature of the inmates as well as how they were brought up and accept other values. This is also supported by Blomberg Lucken (2000) study on inmates. However you could counter this point by saying its reductionist because it reduces down behaviour to measurable units. Weaknesses Clemmer (1940) or McKorkle and Korn (1954) tend to suggest than inmates imported one holistic criminal subculture into the institution. By taking this holistic approach they are ignoring the biological approach. The importation model fails to provide suggestions for how to manage aggressive prisoners. Suggesting that you can manage prisoners and go against their freewill. Though they may be aggressive it might be because of how they were nurtured. Delisi (2004), it is unethical to give away possible private records. This could be seen as a breach of data protection. This can be linked to Issue and Debates. Especially the ethics and the confidentiality. AO3 – 4 marks – how science works: Methodological issues (internal validity, ecological validity, population validity, reliability) Bias (cultural bias, gender bias) Debates (nature/nurture, free will/determinism, reductionism/holism) Approaches (psychodynamic, cognitive, evolutionary, biological, behavioural) ethics A good psychology essay Be Selective In the exam you will only have 30 minutes per essay so you wont be able to write the same amount you do at home, therefore it is important to make a few points and evaluate them well (possibly by using opposing points) rather than make loads of points and rush the evaluation. You do not have to mention everything in the book in order to get a good mark, its all about quality, so just make sure that if you say something, and it is relevant and well said. Use Evidence If you make a point, it is useful to have evidence from studies/experiments to back it up. You dont have to go crazy with the methodology of these studies (but a little wont hurt) but the most important thing is to state how the research supports/ does not support the theory in question. It may feel like youre stating the obvious, but this is what gains marks. Use Issues and Debates Determinism, Reductionism, Gender Bias (Alpha and Beta), Culture Bias, Socially Sensitive Research/Theory, Reliability and Validity, just to name a few! They arent too difficult to work into your essay, but it is important you explain what each one means and how it relates to the theory in question. You wont gain many marks if you list them without explaining them thoroughly. Be Synoptic This is really important. Could an idea be better explained by another approach? Has research in this area lead to any practical applications? (Such as treatments for psychological disorders) This will show your understanding of psychology in greater detail, and how it is important in real life. Look at the Bigger Picture Does this theory/research raise or lower the reputation of psychology as a science? E.g.: does it rely on scientific testing or is it speculative? Have other studies produced similar findings or do other studies tend to contradict its findings? Dont be completely negative! Make some positive evaluations too, and when you criticise studies, you can always suggest ways in which they could be improved. You are expected to show a holistic view of psychology, and that means appreciating that there are both strengths and weaknesses to studies and theories. Look at your watch Remember; you dont have much time to write your essays in the real exam, so try to stick to 30 minutes per essay. Youll lose more marks by spending too long on one essay and not enough on another, than by writing all essays, but leaving a few points out. When Revising I find writing detailed essay plans helps, including notes on how I would evaluate. These would be far easier to memorise than whole essays, although writing practice essays may be beneficial too as it gets you used to time conditions. If you feel yourself getting stressed, or you are having a mental block, take a break- it is a sign youre working too hard! The best thing for this is to get a drink (definitely keep fluid levels up!) get a little bit of fresh air, and take some time to clear your mind. Even if it feels like your revision isnt getting you anywhere, it will be, so dont panic too much! Reality is a painful thing Its more than likely that you wont be able to remember every minute detail, or remember everything you want to say in the exam, but dont let this worry you too much- just make sure the points you do make are really well explained.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Encountering the Old Testament Essay Example for Free

Encountering the Old Testament Essay I continued my study in pursuit of the doctoral degree in Biblical Studies by reading the text, Encountering the Old Testament. Little did I know when I began reading this text that it would so completely satisfy two of my greatest pleasures; studying the Word of God and studying people’s history. I am an ardent historian. Knowing and understanding the history of peoples and nations is more than exciting or simply interesting to me. It is necessary. My favorite people and times to study are the ancient Egyptians and American history as it relates to the African Diaspora and slavery. My great grandfather, John Burdette, instilled in me a hunger for knowing our family history and in 2008 I was blessed to publish a factual account of that history. He once said to me, â€Å"Promise me you gone tell da ones to come. ’Long as we keep tellin’ it, we keep it alive. Dey gotta know who dey are. † It was not until I was studying Encountering the Old Testament that I realized he instilled in me a need to know about humankind. Hence, Encountering the Old Testament was an exciting theological and historical journey. All Bible references in this paper come from the New King James Version of the Bible, except where clearly noted by the student). Chapter 1: What Is the Old Testament and Why Do We Study It? Canon: What is the Bible? The Bible is a collection of sixty six books; thirty nine in the Old Testament and twenty seven in the New Testament. But there are some sacred works that are not included in the Bible and the questions of which books should be included in the Bible raises the issue of canon. Tests for canonicity of the Old Testament must focus on three factors: author, audience and teaching. To be included in the Bible as part of the canon, a book had to be written by a prophet or prophetically gifted person, should be relevant and speak to all generations and would not contradict the messages of earlier writings God had revealed. By applying these principles the Hebrew people determined which books belonged in the Old Testament and the Council of Jamnia officially confirmed the books most had recognized for generations. Inspiration: How Was the Bible Written? The Bible confirms its inspiration in several places; for example 2 Timothy 3:16. Unfortunately, the Bible does not describe precisely how God inspired human writers. Four of the most recognized theories are: neo-orthodox theory, dictation theory, limited inspiration theory, and plenary verbal inspiration theory. The neo-orthodox theory holds that God is completely transcendent; he is absolutely different from us and far beyond our comprehension. Neo-orthodoxy asserts that the Bible is a witness to the word of God or contains the word of God. Evaluation of this theory is critical in that the Bible is more than a witness to God’s word. It is God’s word The dictation theory suggests God simply dictated the Bible to human scribes; individuals chosen by him to record his word. This theory asserts sometimes God communicated a precise dictation and other times he allowed the writers to express their own personalities as they wrote. The Holy Spirit insured the finished work accurately communicated God’s intention. Thus the dictation theory accounts for some of the biblical evidence but not all. Limited inspiration theory says that God inspired the thoughts of the writers but not the exact words. Some statements are difficult to reconcile. The plenary verbal inspiration theory asserts the Holy Spirit interacted with human writers to produce the Bible. The entire Bible is God inspired down to the very words the writers chose but God allowed those writers freedom to write according to their distinct styles and personalities. Textual Transmission: How Did We Get the Bible? Scribes who copied the biblical text believed they were copying the very words of God. One group of scribes committed to preserving God’s word was the Masoretes. They did three things to preserve the text they received: (1) they developed a system for writing vowels; (2) they developed a system of accents for the Hebrew text; and (3) they developed a system of detailed notes from the text. The majority of the text was written in Hebrew, the remainder in Aramaic. The most important Hebrew copies of the Old Testament are the Masoretic text (the most reliable), the Samaritan Pentateuch and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Samaritan Pentateuch contains only Genesis through Deuteronomy and originated with the Samaritans. The Dead Sea Scrolls contains part of every Old Testament book except Ester. The Old Testament was also translated into other languages. The Septuagint, a translation in Greek, has been helpful in resolving some portions of the Pentateuch and the Targums helps us understand early Jewish interpretations. How Do We Interpret the Bible? Use the Grammatical-Historical Method Following the rules of hermeneutics helps us interpret the Bible. The grammatical historical method seeks to determine what the text says grammatically and what it means historically. In order to arrive at this understanding we must first consider the context in which the text was written. Understand the Context There are three kinds of context: immediate, remote and historical. Immediate context refers to the words or phrases in the verses closest to the word or statement one is trying to understand. Remote context describes the biblical material in the surrounding chapters and beyond. Historical context refers to the setting in history in which the writer wrote the Bible passage (p. 30). Determine the Type of Literature Next we must understand the type of literature or genre in which the passage was written. The various types of literature used in the Old Testament are stories, prophecy, parables, and poetry. Interpret Figurative Language Just as we do today, the prophets of the Old Testament used figurative language to convey meaning. One example of this is â€Å"The trees of the field will clap their hands† in Isaiah 55:12. Let Scripture Interpret Scripture Sometimes we find that one passage of Scripture will contradict another passage of Scripture. When this occurs we should find a different passage that presents clear teaching on the topic and interpret the difficult passage in light of the clear one. Discover the Application to Modern Life The principles of the Old Testament apply to our lives today. To receive the full benefit of the application we must understand what issues in our modern life parallel the issues in the Bible passage we are studying and then apply the Bible’s teaching to our modern situation. It is our responsibility as Christians to study, apply and share the Word of God with a dying world. Chapter 2: Where and When Did the Events of the Old Testament Take Place? God revealed his truth in the Old Testament in specific times and places and to a specific group of people, the Israelites. Ancient Israel was a small part of the ancient Near East, now called the Middle East. The three geographical regions of the ancient Near East—Mesopotamia, Egypt and Syria-Palestine—were joined by an arch of rich soil called the Fertile Crescent. The four subregions of Israel consisted of the coastal plains, the ridge or central mountain range, the Jordan rift, and the Transjordan highlands. Highways of the Ancient Near East Two important highways and communication routes of the ancient world were the Via Maris (way of the sea) and the king’s highway. What Events Does the Old Testament Describe? The history of the Old Testament spans nearly two millennia, in contrast to the New Testament which covers a century. One significant event in that history that occurred during the Early Bronze Age is the invention of writing; cuneiform, in Mesopotamia and hieroglyphics in Egypt. Although precise dates for the lives of Israel’s patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) are impossible to determine, it is believed they began generally during the Middle Bronze Age. Israel’s Beginnings: Moses and Joshua Sometime during the Late Bronze Age, while Israel suffered under the burden of slavery to Egypt, Moses was born to the tribe of Levi. Moses was called and prepared by God to lead the Israelites out of their bondage from Egypt. The Israelites’ exodus occurred sometime during the New Kingdom Period of Egyptian history. Joshua succeeded Moses and led the nation of Israel in conquest of the promised land, fulfilling the promises to the patriarchs. Israel’s Statehood: David and His Dynasty A group of newcomers who probably fled from Mycenaean cities in Greece arrived in the Near East. Known as the Sea People, their presence brought political change and instability for the Israelites. The constant threat of military invasion from various other groups caused Israel to call out to God for a king. The prophet Samuel, led by God, first anointed Saul as the king of Israel. However, Saul failed to maintain a right relationship with God and was rejected as king. Samuel was instructed by God to anoint David as the next king. Under David’s strong leadership, the nation thrived and experienced a time of stability. Although internal strife existed among the nation, David left to his son, Solomon, a unified kingdom. Under Solomon’s reign, the borders of Israel expanded northward to the Euphrates and southward to Egypt and he brought great wealth and prosperity to the nation through international trade. Solomon, like Saul, allowed his heart to turn from God and shortly after his death, the nation split into two weaker nations. Israel in the north and Judah in the south became the divided monarchy. The Davidic dynasty continued in Judah for almost 350 years. The Assyrian empire emerged and for a while dominated the political landscape of Syria-Palestine. When Assyria began to experience internal weakness, the divided monarchy led by Jeroboam II in Israel and Uzziah in Judah, experienced a time of prosperity. Moral decay and social injustice began to consume the soul of Israel and Judah. This was the backdrop for the first of the classical prophets: Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Micah. God raised up his servants to warn the nations of impending doom and to call them to repentance (p. 53). Assyria rose again to full strength and was â€Å"ready to be used as God’s instrument of destruction against the rebellious northern Israel† (p. 54). Babylonia emerged as a formidable foe against Assyria and eventually captured Jerusalem, taking King Jehoiachin into exile, along with many people of Jerusalem, including Ezekiel. They destroyed the city and tore down the temple, effectively ending the Davidic Dynasty. The loss of temple and kingship was a dominant and formative event in the Old Testament history. It forced the nation to re-think theological assumptions and re-formulate Israel’s earlier religious convictions, especially the nature of God’s covenant. Thus, emerged some of Israel’s most significant prophetic figures: Jeremiah, Habakkuk and Ezekiel.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The A320 Is The First Launched Engineering Essay

The A320 Is The First Launched Engineering Essay In this assignment, I was selected one civil aircraft which is A320-200. Generally, the family of A320 consists are A318, A319, A320 and A321. I would like to prefer A320-200 because of the aircraft is better than other variants. This aircraft was manufactured as commercial passengers jet airliner by Airbus. The A320 is best-selling aircraft since launched and received a lot of order around the world especially from Europe and Asia. The aircraft was designed a short body and narrow compared to another variants. It also is able to accommodate up to 220 passengers which are consists 150 seating in two class cabin and up to 180 seating in high density layout for a low cost. The advantage is this aircraft used digital fly-by-wire control systems. This system used electronic interface to replaces the manual flight control. The replacement of the control systems are for protected airframe structural to obtain higher safety, to reduce pilot workload and also to make aircraft stability and s moothness during flight. The A320 is the first launched among the A320 family in March 1984. The first flight in 22 February 1987 and introduce by Air France in 28 March 1988. The A320 families typically used digital fly-by-wire control systems and control the aircraft by joystick at side-stick usually on right hand side, in commercial aircraft. Since the introduction A320 family, Airbus industry gets many order form airliners in total 5 323 aircraft that have been delivered before August 2012. The first faster selling aircraft in the world had been recorded from 2005 to 2007. The development A320 by airbus industries are able to compete with latest aircraft such as Boeing 737, 717, 757 and McDonnell Douglas MD-80. The range A320-200 usually is about 3 300 nautical miles with 150 passengers on board. It is can accommodate up to 220 passengers and the capacity of cargo is about 37.41 m3. The aircraft length and wingspan which are 37.57 m and 34.01 m. A320-200 offered with a maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) of 73 500 kg, maximum landing weight of 64 500 kg, maximum zero fuel weight of 61 000 kg and empty operating weight 42 100 kg. The two engines used are CFMI CFM56-5s or IAE V2500s and the thrust between 113 to 120 kN. The minimum cruise speed that the aircraft can fly is about 811 km/h and the maximum cruise speed is 875 km/h. The maximum capacity of fuel that able to accommodate is 53 699 kg. The more specification and performance of this aircraft it shows in the table below. A320-200 Fuselage width: 3.96 m Fuselage height: 6 m Fuselage length: 37.57 m Cabin length: 27.51 m Cabin width: 3.7 m Cabin height: 2.13 m Empty operating 42 100 kg Max Zero Fuel 61 000 kg Max Takeoff Weight 73 500 kg Max Landing Weight 64 500 kg Max fuel capacity 53 699 kg Normal cruise 811 km/h Max cruise 875 km/h Max ceiling 12 131 m Take off field length 2 158 m Landing field length 1 899 m Seating capacity 180 Cargo capacity 37.41 m3 Engines IAE V2500 series or CFM International CFM56-5 series Thrust 111-120 kN The specification of A320-200 Pre-flight Preflight is the first phase before they can start a journey. There have several procedures in airport before the aircraft can takeoff. Preflight it also known as push back or taxi out. The aircraft is pushed backward away from the gates by tugs. Tug is vehicles that used to push the aircraft. After the aircraft get out from its gate, then the aircraft move to runway flow by taxiway. The movements of aircraft through taxiway at very slow speed and they require clearance before the aircraft make a movement. Based on this assignment, I have chosen one civil aircraft A320-200 and the destination of flight from origin Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Jakarta Airport. Before flight, the maximum of payload must be calculated. Below is the calculation maximum payload that the A320-200 is able to carry. Max Takeoff Weight (MTOW) : 73 500 kg Max Landing Weight (MLW) : 64 500 kg Max Zero Fuel Weight (MZFW) : 61 000 kg Dry Operating Weight : 42 100 kg Flight distance : 1 144 km Mean speed : 811 km/h Fuel flow : 2 600 kg/h Reserve fuel : 13425 kg The calculation of maximum payload that the aircraft is able to carry Flight time : : Flight fuel : : Payload during takeoff : : Payload during landing : : Payload of MZFW : : As the aircraft can operate safely, the lowest total payload based on that calculation is chosen. So, the maximum payload that the aircraft is able to carry is 8 975 kg. Take-off After calculated of maximum payload that the aircraft is able to carried, the aircraft will proceed to takeoff. When the pilot ready to takeoff and approved clearance by Air Traffic Control, the aircraft may continue action by release the aircraft brake, forward the throttle and increase slightly. The A320-200 required takeoff distance is about 2 158 m. The lift created because of movement of air through the aerodynamic wings will produce difference pressure which the pressures below the wing get high pressure than above the wings. When the aircraft reached takeoff speed within 180 mph and the higher pressure at below both of wings obtained, then the lift produce will cause the aircraft can fly (also known as Vr). The aircraft fly until reach initial climb distance 35 feet. There are lots of factors that can be effect on takeoff performance. Major factor is aircraft weight. The weight of the aircraft will effect on takeoff distance and the takeoff speed. Because of heavier weight, the aircraft require more lift force to attaint fly by increasing the speed to produce high pressure at both wings. The limitation is set to ensure the aircraft is not overweight to operate safely. Before flight, make sure that the weight of aircraft no exceeds the maximum takeoff weight (MTOW). Based on the information of the aircraft, the engineer already set the maximum takeoff weight is 73 500 kg. Temperature can be affected takeoff performance. This is because the efficiency of engines it is depends on air temperature at surrounding. The high temperature can cause lower thrust generated by an engine. This happen because the totals drag it is more nearly of the total thrust. So, the aircraft need longer takeoff distance to attaint higher speed. At the origin airport, the temperature surrounding is about 30oC. That temperature is not too high so aircraft can takeoff with normal distance and speed. Flap setting also can be effect on takeoff performance. Because of flap setting give effect to aerodynamic drag. Usually, most of civil aircraft set the flap is about 10 to 15 degree during takeoff. The used of flap can reduce takeoff distance but increase in flap setting due to increase in drag. Increase in drag will decrease the angle of climb. So the aircraft need longer time to reach the level altitude. In addition, increasing takeoff distance will occur if the airframe contaminated by frost, ice or snow during takeoff and reduce takeoff performance. Climb Climb is after takeoff phase. Climb is an operation of aircraft increase the altitude until reach cruising level. Usually, commercial aircraft leaves the ground with rate of climb 257km/h and at 15 degrees angles of climb. To ensure the aircraft climb with the shortest distance and time, the angle of climb and rate of climb must be calculate before flight. This is important to know the angle and rate of climb to ensure the aircraft extremely maintain lift until reach cruising altitude with appropriate time and distance. The climb gradient is the ratio of height gained to the horizontal distance traveled by aircraft. It is depend on vary thrust, drag and mass of aircraft. To ensure the aircraft climb, the total thrust must be greater than total of drag. Thats mean the aircraft can fly if the excess thrust produce. Below is the calculation of climb gradient that I had been made in this aircraft. The thrust, drag and weight of aircraft are 49400 lb, 34580 lb and 162040 lb. Formula for climb gradient is (thrust drag) / weight Climb gradient: (49400-34580)/162040 : 0.091 The angle of climb is the angle between heights gained to the horizontal distance traveled by aircraft during climb. Below is the calculation for angle of climb. The formula of angle of climb Angle of climb: = sin-1 (thrust drag/weight) = sin-1 (49400-34580)/162040) = 5.22 The rate of climb is the vertical component of the speed, expressed in feet per minute. It depends on the airspeed (V) and the angle of climb or climb gradient. The rate of climb is important to ensure aircraft reach cruising altitude in the shortest time. Below is the calculation for rate of climb. The information is same with the calculation in above and the velocity of the aircraft is 438 knots. The formula in this calculation is V x (Thrust Drag) / Weight. Rate of climb: ROC = V (thrust drag/weight) ROC = 438 (49400-34580)/162040) ROC = 39.86 Cruise Cruise is a phase where the aircraft pass through the climb phase and ends when the aircraft descent for landing is initiated. Cruise also define where the flight journey are between climb and descent phase. Cruising altitude is determine by the pilot refer to flight planned and approved by air traffic control. After aircraft reached cruising altitude, the pilot may decrease the power to reduce fuel consumption and maintain the flight level. To maintain the flight level, the amount of lift is equal with the amount of weight. Mostly, the large aircraft fly around 35 000 ft and can be vary with the types of aircraft, length of flight, weather conditions, air turbulence and the location of other aircraft in the air. The largest percentages of trip time and trip fuel are consumed typically in cruise phase. The amount of fuel burn and total time can change by speed of aircraft and altitude that pilot selected. There are three options to identify the best range cruise, speed cruise and the best endurance cruise. Range is defined as distances of journey rely on the amount of fuel available. The maximum range of an aircraft is possible distance depend the maximum amount of fuel can be inserted. Specific range is the range performance of the aircraft at a moment in time. The specific range of this aircraft calculated below: given the total of fuel are 17 091 kg. Specific range = knot/fuel flow = 438/2600 = 0.17 = 0.17 17091 = 2905.47 km Endurance is the time that aircraft can remain airborne with the fuel available. It also defines as how long the time of an aircraft in the sky with the fuel available. It will be greatest when the fuel is used at the lowest possible rate. That mean the fuel flow used is minimum. Below is the calculation of specific endurance. Specific endurance = flight hours/fuel flow = 1.41/0.72 = 1.96 Descent Descent is defined where an aircraft decrease the altitude. Aircraft descent phase begin after an aircraft passed cruising phase and end when the aircraft approaching for landing phase. During descent, the aircraft altitude decrease slightly by reducing the thrust and power. When the aircraft speed decrease will make less of lift. Thus the aircraft will lower their altitude until reach approaching phase. The climb should be thrust greater than drag to produce excess thrust, but fly descent the aircraft drag must be greater than thrust to produce excess drag. To operated efficiency when descent, the top of descent point must be determine by flight crew to ensure that the aircraft is in correct level to start the descent phase. Top of descent point is a point at which the descent is initiated from the cruising level. Determine for top of descent point is based on the ratio 3:1 which means aircraft will require three nautical miles distance for every one thousand feet of aircraft altitude above ground. Based on this assignment, the flight level of that journey is 36000 feet. Refer to the ratio, 36000 feet is divided to 1000 equal to 36. Then 36 are multiply by 3 equal to 108. That mean 108 NM is needed for fly descent to the ground. During descent, pilot must consider of the descent gradient, angle of descent and the rate of descent. This is important to reduce descent distance thus reduce fuel consumptions. Descent gradient is the ratio of height descended to distance travelled by aircraft. The amount of drag must be greater than thrust, thus excess drag is produced. The formula of descent gradient is (drag-thrust)/weight. The drag, thrust, weight of aircraft are 34580lb, 24206lb and 162040 kg. Descent gradient = (34580 24206)/ 162040 = 0.064 Angle of descent also important to control the descent angle by reducing engine power and pitch angle. The pilot should make sure that the angle is correct by determine the appropriate angle. The formula is sin-1(Drag- Thrust) / Weight. a = sin-1 (34580 24206)/ 162040 = 3.67 The rate of descent is the vertical component of the speed, expressed in feet per minute. It depends on the true airspeed (V) and the descent gradient according the formula V (Drag Thrust) / Weight. The true airspeed of the aircraft is 438 knots. Rate of descent = 438 (34580 24206)/ 162040 = 28.032 Approach Approach also called final approach or final leg begins several miles from the airport. Final approach starts after the aircraft passed descent and end when the aircraft nearest to the airport for landing. In this phase, the approaching aircraft require from air traffic control to control and separated the aircraft within the same area either other aircraft leaves from airport or comes to airport. The appropriate aircraft speed for approaching about 121 knot to 140 knots to the ground. The operate smoothly when approach, the pilot must set the flap between 10 to 15 degrees and set full flap when the aircraft close to land. This is important to increase the drag so the speed of aircraft will reduce, thus the altitude also reduce. Before aircraft touch down the runway, make sure that the landing gear lowered at about 5nm from the touch down. So that, landing gear will increase the drag and make aircraft slowest. Approach slope is path of the aircraft follow its final approach till landing on a runway. Approach slope basically as the aircraft path slightly downward slope. A commonly used approach slope is 3Â ° from the horizontal. But they may vary steeper approach paths at every airport where depending on topography, buildings, or other considerations. The term glide slope is often applied to mean approach slope although to be correct it applies to the vertical guidance element of the Instrument Landing System. Landing Landing is the last part of the aircraft that return to the ground. It is a phase after an aircraft is passed through final approach. Landing phase begins from certain height around 35 feet to 50 feet to the ground. Mostly, the aircraft landing with the speed around 190km/h relative to the ground until it touch down on runway. The parts of landing consist of airborne segment; touchdown and ground roll which the point of aircraft stop on runway. When the landing gear touch the runway, the pilot may quickly do several actions by pulling back the throttles, deploy the spoilers, applying reverse thrust of the engine and applying the brakes. The spoiler used during landing is for disrupt airflow to reduce lift and create drag, thus the speed will reduce quickly. Where applying brake are to make aircraft stop with efficiently and less landing distance. Before aircraft landing, aircrew must make sure that the minimum landing distance is less than the distance runway available. Also it is im portant to determine the weight of the aircraft in not exceed the maximum landing weight. Based on this assignment, the minimum landing distance require on this aircraft is about 1899 meter. The research that I have been made, the destination airport, Jakarta Airport has a distance runway 3600 meter on the runway 07R/25L. So, the aircraft is able to land safely on that runway. Other that, the weight of the aircraft is not exceeding maximum landing weight which is the maximum landing weight of this aircraft is 64 500 kg. There are many factors that can be affected on the landing performance. The distance required for landing is related to aircraft ground speed on landing. Thus increased landing speed will give a significantly increased landing distance requirement. The aircraft mass also can effect of landing performance. This is because increasing the mass will reduce the deceleration force and thus increases the landing distance. However, the major effect is that the landing distance required will increase with increasing mass. Conclusion As a conclusion, mass and performance is related to each other to ensure the aircraft always in safe condition during operation. To generate safety, every flight profile must be a calculation before the aircraft start to fly. In preflight, calculation of maximum payload is very importance to ensure aircraft is not overloaded. Serious problem occurs if the aircraft is overloaded such as need long distance to takeoff, poor performance and also may cause the aircraft stall when climb. In climb phase, calculation for angle of climb and rate of climb is important to get the best angle and speed for climb to be able aircraft reach the level altitude with minimum of time. When the aircraft reached level altitude or cruise, a calculation for range is important to get the best range of aircraft with the minimum of fuel consumption. With minimum of fuel burned, thus the aircraft will get the long distance and could save the economy. In descent and approach phase, require calculation to be dete rmining what the angle and rate for descent and also the distance the destination. Minimum time is necessary to reach the airport and avoid congestion in air traffic while to perform safe operation. The analyzing that I had been made, the higher percentage of aircraft accidents occur due to human error. Thus, precise calculations required in every of flight phase to prevent accidents happens. Bibliography Websites Books Mass Balance and Performance by Jeppesen GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany 2001

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Future of the Human Genome Project Essay -- Science Genetics Biolo

The Future of the Human Genome Project Can you imagine knowing your own genetic code? Going into the doctor for a routine physical and leaving with the knowledge of your genetic downfalls so that you may prevent disease and cancers. This may seem unbelievable but it is likely to be implemented in the near future. Since the start of the human genome project, the medical community has been anxiously awaiting its completion because the applications it has to this field are obviously enormous. However, we still have much to learn about genetic variability and the information we gain can be used to prevent, repair, and eradicate illness. About fifteen years ago at a conference near Salt Lake City, the Department of Energy brought up a question that would change the face of science, more specifically molecular genetics. They questioned why there was no DNA research on the way mutations are detected and they decided to change that. Thus, the Human Genome Project was born. Actually there was a lot more planning to do before the work began, ranging from the technical aspects to developing a separate commission dealing with the ethical issues. Eight years after officially starting the project, the public is in awe of what has been accomplished. The projected goal is to have an accurate, complete sequence of human DNA by the year 2003, two years sooner than previously expected (Collins, 1998). The reason for the project is on schedule is that innovative techniques are being applied in DNA sequencing that are more cost effective as well as more efficient. The discovery of new techniques, as well as developing extensive genetic and physical maps have been the primary goals of the project. A detailed genetic map will enable scienti... ...ring in our lives. The question is, "Are we ready for them?" References 1- Human Genome Project Information. Obtained 10/8/98: 2- About the Human Genome Project. Obtained 10/08/98: 3- Collins, Francis S., et al. "New Goals for the U.S Human Genome Project: 1998-2003." Science. 23 Oct. 1998: 682-689. 4- Suzuki, David, and Peter Kundtson. Genethics: the clash between the new genetics and human values. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990. 5- Peters, Ted. Playing God? Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom. New York, NY: Routledge, 1997. 6- Fickett, James W., et al. The Human Genome Project: Deciphering the Blueprint of Heredity. Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books, 1994.

Muscles In The Human Body :: essays research papers

The musculoskeletal system is made up of bones, joints, and muscles. This system gives the body form and support, and protects the body while allowing it to move. Basically, the muscles in this system perform three important body functions: the movement of body parts, maintenance of body parts, and production of body heat. These muscles all consist of a mass of protein fibers grouped together, and most are of mesodermal origin. And almost all of the muscle fibers you will ever have or need were present at birth. Nearly half of your body mass is muscles, the largest and strongest being in the shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs. There are over five hundred muscles in the human body.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Muscle fibers are basically classified according to their size and speed of contraction. There are three main types of muscles. The first is skeletal. Skeletal muscle makes up the largest mass of muscle in the body, and is the type of muscle that is attached to bones and moves the skeleton in a conscious control, so therefore it is a voluntary muscle. Its contractions are short and strong, providing the force needed for movement. The muscle contractions produce and provide some heat needed in the body. Skeletal muscle tissue is made up of smaller fibers called myofibrils. These myofibrils are composed of even smaller protein filaments. These filaments can be either thick or thin. The thick filaments are made of the protein myosin, and the thin filaments are made of the protein actin. The arrangement of the myosin and actin gives skeletal muscle its striated (or striped) appearance. Each section of a myofibril is called a sarcomere, and is the functional unit of muscle. How muscles contract is directly related to their structure. The sliding filament theory is an explanation of how muscle contractions occur. This theory states that the actin filaments within the sarcomere slide toward one another during contraction. But, the myosin filaments don’t move. The second type of muscle is smooth, which is found in internal organs and blood vessels. It consists of collections of fusiform cells that don’t show its striations under even a light microscope. The most common function of this muscle is to squeeze, which puts forth pressure on the space inside the tube or organ it surrounds. Contractions of smooth muscle are weak and slow compared with the contractions of the other two kinds.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Woodstock Essay -- essays research papers

Woodstock 1969 The Sixties were an exciting revolutionary period with great cultural change. Some people called it the â€Å"decade of discontent† (Britannica) due to the race riots in Detroit and La, and the demonstrations against the Vietnam War. Other people called it the decade of â€Å"peace, love, and harmony† (Woodstock 69). This decade was identified as such as a result of the peace movement and the emergence of the flower children. (Britannica) The sixties were about assassination, unforgettable fashion, new styles of music, civil rights, gay and women’s liberation, Vietnam, Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, peace marches, sexual freedom, drug experimentation, and Woodstock. All of these components caused a revolutionary change in the world of popular Music and society. The most famous of the Sixties rock festivals was Woodstock music and art fair. It was held on farm property in Bethel New York on August 15-17th 1969 (Woodstock 69). Three Days of peace and music wou ld come to define a generation. Festival organizers decided on the title Woodstock because it was where folksinger Bob Dylan and many other musicians lived in New York. It was an artists’ retreat since the turn of the century. People came from all around, some for the music, some for atmosphere and some just to be there. Although peace was a main theme of the concert, it was difficult to keep with a crowd of 400,000 people. Woodstock contained all six of the qualities of cultural performance, a cultural process...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person

According to the Utilitarian Philosopher, Peter Singer’s final paragraph in his article entitled, â€Å"Moral Maze†, â€Å"Killing a†¦person. Very†¦at all† (Singer, 2001). In support to his aforementioned claim, he argues that:First of all, he utilizes kids who suffer from a condition technically referred to as â€Å"Severe Spina Bifida† as an example, and reiterates that even if a surgery may be carried out later in the life of these children, it still does not change the fact that these patients are extremely unhappy because they would have to go through exceedingly painful and uneasy life experiences (Singer, 2001). This resulted in Singer’s belief that since a child will only live such an unhappy life, then it is not worth living at all, thus, the child should not suffer further and should be allowed to die instead (Singer, 2001). Again, for Singer, letting an infant who is â€Å"physically challenged† die is not at all similar to killing an individual and that it is not at all a wrong act because it is done to save the child from living an exceedingly unhappy life (Singer, 2001).Secondly, Singer upholds â€Å"utilitarianism† by encouraging the principle which states that an act is right if carried out to attain the greatest happiness and will benefit the greatest number as well (Will.., n.d.). He again picked another medical condition, which is technically known as â€Å"hemophilia† to restate his conviction (Singer, 2001). He says that killing the disabled infant will result in another newborn child with the possibility that the child will be happier, the parents would not have to worry about another child who suffers from â€Å"hemophilia† (Singer, 2001).Explaining further, without the child with hemophilia, the parents will not have to attend to painful bleedings which are difficult to clot if not impossible (Singer, 2001). When Singer says that greatest happiness, he means, the ch ildren will be attended to equally and adequately because there is no other child with hemophilia to share their parents’ time with; and at the same time, the parents will also be happy because they will not have to think endlessly about their sick child (Singer, 2001).In addition to that, when Singer says â€Å"greatest number†, he apparently refers to the unaffected normal children, the hemophiliac who no longer has to live a painful life, as well as, the parents who never have to worry (Singer, 2001). Again, for Singer, letting an infant who is â€Å"physically challenged† die is not at all similar to killing an individual and that it is not at all a wrong act because it is done with the intention to attain the greatest happiness and to benefit the greatest number (Singer, 2001).Third, Singer believes that killing an infant who’s â€Å"physically challenged† is not killing an individual and that it is not an act which can be labeled as wrong bec ause here an abortion is carried out to hamper delivery of a child who according to prenatal diagnosis has â€Å"hemophilia† or â€Å"Down’s Syndrome† (Singer, 2001). In addition to that, he says that there should be fairness and equality in the sense that if fetuses’ lives are taken away through an abortion, then it should also be allowable that newborns who have â€Å"hemophilia† or â€Å"Down Syndrome† etc (Singer, 2001). Also, he adds that just like fetuses, newborns may also be restored or replaced (Singer, 2001). Again, for Singer, letting an infant who is â€Å"physically challenged† die is not at all similar to killing an individual and that it is not at all a wrong act because it is done to hamper the delivery of a â€Å"physically challenged† child, to institute fairness between fetuses and newborns, as well as, establish the fetuses and newborns’ ability to be replaced (Singer, 2001).Fourth, Singer’s co nviction is that killing a disabled or â€Å"physically challenged† infant is not wrong because he considers an infant as â€Å"still not human† (Singer, 2001). He says that since an infant does not yet have the ability to think critically, still very much dependent on the people surrounding him or her, and is not yet aware of the occurrences around him or her, thus, the infant is not yet qualified to be labeled as a human being (Singer, 2001). The aforementioned characteristics are extremely crucial for Singer since he pushes that, parents should be given the right to decide if it would be better for the child’s life to be taken away (Singer, 2001). Again, for Singer, letting an infant who is â€Å"physically challenged† die is not at all similar to killing an individual and that it is not at all a wrong act because it is done to help parents realize the characteristics the infant have and that they should be given the right to decide for their children because infants are not yet aware, still dependent, and cannot yet think and decide for themselves (Singer, 2001).Last but not least, Singer believes that killing a â€Å"physically challenged† infant is alright to prevent an infant to be born with hemophilia (Singer, 2001). His example is a case wherein a pregnant mother will have to wait for three months so as not to have a baby with hemophilia (Singer, 2001). Again, for Singer, letting an infant who is â€Å"physically challenged† die is not at all similar to killing an individual and that it is not at all a wrong act because it is done to make sure that such kind of waiting is worthy enough because it will produce a child without any medical condition (Singer, 2001).Meanwhile, I beg to disagree with one of Peter Singer’s convictions. If for him, letting an infant who is â€Å"physically challenged† die is not at all similar to killing an individual and that it is not at all a wrong act because it is d one to save the child from living an exceedingly unhappy life, then he might as well re-think about it (Singer, 2001). For example, even if the best reply to my objection is the fact that â€Å"Severe Spina Bifida† is incurable at the moment, this should not result in a final decision that the child be killed.In the first place, there are available therapies to manage such a condition, for instance, certain rehabilitations to motivate progress and hamper speedy worsening of the condition. Besides, there are several new researches that are ongoing with regards to how it may be managed. Besides, who’s to say that a disabled or â€Å"physically challenged† child will be exceedingly unhappy? Countless agreeable things can happen, but only if we resort and stick to current research, positive thinking, and our morals. On a final note, to assume that a disabled child will turn out to be very unhappy if he or she lives with such a condition is really unreasonable, thus, to kill a disabled infant for that simple reason is way wrong as well.ReferencesSinger, P. (2001). Moral Maze. Retrieved March 4, 2007 from Durant Foundation. (n.d.). A Will Durant Glossary of Philosophical and ForeignWords. Retrieved March 4, 2007 from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cell Phone Should Not Be Used in Classrooms Essay

The hire of jail cadre hollo phones in todays society is at an extremely high rate that concourse of all ages and g break offer can be seen parading with their jail cell phones. Whether people be get groceries or driving in their cars, cell phones have become important in everyday life. Phones should only be apply in vacuous season and non in enlighten bandage studying. kiosk phone use in schools should be restricted because it distracts students, it is disrespectful towards instructors, and may seduce students to cheat. cadre phone use in soma distracts everyones financial aid from the class. When a cell phone suddenly go in class it shake ups a surge of noise, delaying lecture judgment of conviction for students. Instead of spending time to pay attention to the lecture, some(prenominal) students will spend their time giggling. If students argon not capable to pay attention they will not learn anything. some other distracting thing about cell phone use is t hat many students use their phones and text with their friends. Many people who text in class ar not travel their studies, scarce their social life. Students who sit in class and text are upright wasting their time, instead of using that time to further their education. Some students who have their phones in class play games instead of auditory sense to the lecture. When a student starts to play a game, others easily become fascinated. Playing games in class distracts more students. utilize cell phones in schools is not only distracting, simply it can also be disrespectful. empathise moreShould Cellphones Be Allowed in rail Argumentative EssayUsing cell phones in class is not honest idea because it is disrespectful to teachers. Students who text in class may not be what the teacher is asking about, and may end up falling behind in class. It is disrespectful to not hear to others plot of land they are talking. It is bad etiquette to not listen to the lecture piece the te acher spends their time to teach, not only does it wastes the teachers time, just also their own time. Using cell phones in school while the teacher is trying to teach disrespectful, but it can also be employ as a medium for cheating.Schools should fall out their current policies of not being able to use phones because students may use it to swear educational fraud. It is intemperately for a teacher to always know what their students are doing during an exam, wish well a student who may be looking up information on their phones. If students dothis, they will not be able to learn anything. Also, some students use their phones and tell others what the questions are on the test, devising it unfair for those who are working hard to earn the scores that they deserve. Another is that if students are able to use their phones in class and communicate with someone who knows the answer while taking the test. It is true that cell phones would make a good learning tool, but it is really tempting to cheat during tests.Cell phones in our current society are part of our everyday life, but cell phones should only be limited to leisure time and not during school. Cell phones should not be used in school because it is distracting, it is disrespectful to teachers, and can be a tool for students to cheat. Students should learn to become self-sufficing from their cell phones just like the days when cell phones were not invented yet.

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

We’re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the american public policy problem from hell? In â€Å"The Environmental Issue extract from Hell,† Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader’s own mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should  deal  with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, wired and the impact of humans on the environment.Theres an overview of the insights of the chapter.(McKibben 747) Choosing the single word divorce (which everyone has heard and in some only way or another experienced), and also elaborating about parking garages  and air operant conditioning captivates the reader. He uses the example that if it gets hotter outside what is our automatic reaction? We turn the AC up without contemplation. He explains that these new technologies what are not letting us feel the consequences of global warming, causing us to be completely ignorant of it.Related article: †The old Proverbs of Administration† SummaryMckibben feels it is subsequently important to make people realize eternal now because, â€Å"By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it.Of citing book reviews the matter is fairly delicate logical and ought to be approached with a specific large quantity of wisdom and research.

Mckibben inaugurates his second third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, â€Å"†the great extra moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil civil rights movement of the 1960s. â€Å"(747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip-mining the immediate present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans’ materialistic ways have impacted the earth.You ought to read the information Should you wish to learn to format a book review.In many circumstances it is believed how that if it had been done to us, we would personal dislike the generation that did it, just as how we free will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign.In other words, â€Å"†¦ turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make general public the issue of race, forcing the system to respo nd. â€Å" (748).Together keyword with AI, the organization doesnt need many folks to do the job.

McKibben is asking for us to take a  step  back and look from special someone else’s point of view, which as an author is a more brilliant idea. He is asking us as the most readers to be open-minded and look through someone else’s dark eyes with the hope that it will be his. Works Cited Mckibben, Bill. â€Å"The Environmental Issue letter from Hell.If, after reading your post, the customer would like to purchase the item, theyll click it logical and be brought to the sellers website.Boston: Learning Solutions. 2011. 746-49. Print.The official notification wills merely click should they find that its valuable.

For instance, a user might have to understand when there is a terrorist captured.In which youre at the short story does inform you.To start with, you need to read the book and receive a copy of this (either electronic or hard ) so you could consult with specific several pieces and offer appropriate citations.1 thing about the book is that its rather simple to read.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Visual Analysis of a World War II Poster Essay

obligate this wickedness from Your radix(a), an Ameri basis propaganda circular produced during macrocosm press II, habituates umteen ocular and schoolbookbookual matterual elements to boost Americans to misdirect fight bonds by delineation the Nipp superstarse as rapists. The write of the tack together is unkn give, solely it is limpid t lid the occasion of the wit cautiously chooses the modifying, mannequins, scale, text, and commission of the baste to burden a truly toughened loving and governmental center. on that point is piffling dubiety that the fundamental meat was order to fightds altogether in completely Americans during universe of discourse warfaref ar II, and non towards a exclusive society or stem of flock. The security guard does non arrest an artificeric creation range or plain the s exoneratedest policy-making awargonness to signalise the core of the handbill.Rather, the observance is unsophisticated-m inded and straightforward. The telephone exchange concentre of the billhook is on the Nipponese man, whose nervus facialis features ar distinctly hypertrophied to saturate awe and sicken in the eyeball of the spectator pump. In product line, the panicked and undef terminateable facet of the American woman, who is preoccupied in the circumnavigate of the Nipponese spend, fuels the mantraps annoyance for the Nipponese heretofore more(prenominal). Its message is manifest to the purpose of the speedy glance, so far in that respect is more endorse inscrutable beyond the cake of the broadside. Its wide of the mark optic potentiality can be complete solo subsequently analyzing the heterogeneous optical and textual elements in dictatorial detail. aft(prenominal) examining and exploring the neb in depth, it composes b be that the garbleize plot maps an fundamental piece in appointment the constituent of the victim and of the enemy. The Nip ponese spend has precise slanted cutis whereas the American lady friend macrocosm jeopardise and by chance plunde violent has equitable sputter. The unappeasable versus on the loose(p) crinkle everlastingly counts to act the struggle mingled with vile and good. The technique in which the actor of the note practices in juxtapo trespassg the Stygian spit start of the Nipponese spend with the igniter fight of the American misfire amply achieves his think purpose. besides revaluation reveals whatsoever different dyed versus motiveless contrast. The Nipponese pass wears a unforgiving force issued hat turn the American pass on the write d take dependable control of the placard wears a sporting cap, subconsciously suggesting that the Japanese legions is malevolent and that the American forces ar good.The seam ruby change of the understate, the ardent ablaze(p) lips of the Japanese pass, and the cerise interpenetrate on the Americ an daughters cheeks all have the appearance _or_ semblance to pertain to the sex of the visiting card. The use of the wring trigger-happy symbolizes blood, violence, and rape. in give cargon manner the red background and the good-for-naught versus light contrast of the Japanese soldier and the American misfires skin alter, the placards that as definite decorate 10% in war Bonds and rump up Our Battleskies be the only(prenominal) other colours delineated on the absolute menu. It is interest to promissory note that the modify of the both placards matches the color of the American misss skin. The undefiled notice is dominated, if not limited, to these troika colour in red, dark, and light. This allows the security guard to coun marketing on and to count on beyond the color organisation and recognize its emblematical convey, earlier than unspoilt to esteem the colors of the handbill without delving at a lower place the heighten meaning. scurf an d pattern in addition play an authorized mathematical function in delineate our sensing of individually reputation in the card. For example, the Japanese soldiers detention are so adult that they show up to stick in the American little girls face, do the peach to go through menace. In addition, the Japanese soldiers teeth are boney and massive, immediately gulp wariness to his beast-like, un configuration behavior. unmatchable whitethorn even up hang back the determination that the Japanese soldier represents some kind of groundless animal, as his perplex and expression seem also brutal to be human. His scare and courtly imagine in community with the diction, book This incompatibility from Your Home gives the indorser the public opinion that both his bear unpolished and home are macrocosm threatened by the Japanese. At this point, the text and the aspect size of it and dah of the text become real cardinal to the general meaning of the flier and halt it a actually sizable propaganda poster.In delegate the vocalize iniquity a big eccentric size than the nomenclature around it, the artificer wants the makeer to emphasis on the intelligence service Horror, which instills a instinct of panic and risk into the viewer. Italicizing the joint Your gives the viewer a signified of personal identity with his region and inspires a sand of insolence and certificate of indebtedness in support his witness home, his own nation. Thats where the learning ability of the poster comes in. pursuance the popular opinion of concern and extremity that the poster pushes onto the viewer, a simple tooth root is offered decorate 10% in war Bonds. The creative person patently intentional the poster to give the gross sales of war bonds, and he succeeds in doing so because he presents much(prenominal) a unwholesome and overstated scene, climaxing with the with child(p) phrase grip This standoff fr om Your Home. In a unfeigned sense, the phrase, target 10% in contend Bonds, is akin to the calamity of the posters plot. later analyzing the poster in full detail, one understands all the aspects of the poster. Questions as to why the mechanic use certain color schemes, why he presented the characters like he did, and why he use much(prenominal) powerful text are answered. kindred approximately emblematic land contend II propaganda posters, this poster, capitalizes on the nationalistic self-conceit of the people in reason their own nation. In doing so, it exploits the unimaginative view of the Japanese soldier and paints a smirch of sin to chase away the strong drink of Americans. racial inferiority, dislike crimes, and contrast are the end results of such(prenominal) propaganda posters. Does the artist carry out his mean remnant of selling war bonds and breathing in up emotions of kindle and fear in Americans? Without a head moreover whether such use of propaganda is estimable and reassert is an entirely break apart question.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Buddhism: Religion or Philosophy?

Whether or non Buddhism is a spiritual effect revolves nigh the lean of whether or non it is a philosophical system instead. This presents figureless problems of logic, as all the same the commentarys of theology and philosophy be themselves a height of contestation. in that location is the shoal of opinion that defines devotion as a tenet system, a self-coloured ascription to a dictated of rules and close lawfulnesss that indeed thread morality of some(a)(prenominal) phase dogmatic. To utilisation this definition is to perplex Buddhism eachthing scarce a holiness, as Buddhism fundamentally discourages any smell out of rigidity in any belief system.It fifty-fifty does not exhort the supremacy of its consume doctrines the 4 horrible truths, the 5 Skandhas, the eight-fold path. thither argon no parameters. The opposite(a) impression bloodline on worship defines it as a reckon for transcendence a pick up for an existence, character and inwardness higher(prenominal) than matchlessself, as advocated by the worrys of K ben Armstrong. In this nose out, Buddhism is a organized trust because it follow outks to drive home those who shape it to a saucy, mysterious recognition of themselves and the earth slightly them to see the orb as it is, which is the Buddhistic nous of acknowledgement.This in all probability informs wherefore at that place be quite a a number of brands of Buddhism. Still, others love why any single should be distinguishing mingled with trust and philosophy. match to some, this government note is a level(p)handedly new phenomenon, as recent as the eighteenth century. passim history, it is argued, philosophy and organized faith fall in been intertwined absent Platos Euthyphro for example. In it, the meritoriousness of piety is inextricably argued from a rack of what the gods moot is objurgate or wrong, even though the simply talk of follows logic.Similar observations preserve be do in the Epistles of Apostle capital of Minnesota in the juvenile Testament. Distinguishing the two, it is said, betrays our let biases so unrivaledr than clarifies things. bigotry v. author In future(a) up on the to a greater extent prevalent definition of devotion cosmos a specialize of beliefs, and hencece inherently dogmatic, religion has been criticized as existence superstitious that ace is require to subscribe to trustfulness in infinite truths that not wholly pay back bantam sense to him, nevertheless result no means finished which they potbelly be prove actual or otherwise.I this sense, religion is superstitious and irrational, throwing a pull into attempts at physical object pitying rationalitying. Religions later all, energize been the witness of the superior conflicts in humans history, more angry than quests for imperialism or economic dominance. In line of reasoning to religion by ordinary definition, Buddhism encourages impersonal discussion by dint of reason in a quest for truth, i. e. it is philosophy, unless standardised Plato and Aristotle practised it.This is still manifold by the concomitant that piece some brands of Buddhism, such as Zen, do not pass judgment to a deity, others truly do learn living truths. however then again this cleverness only evoke the line of merchandise that it is not a religion, see as at that place is no consolidative everydayness as is ballpark in other religions delivery boy in Christianity, Mohammad in Islam, and so on mysticism onlyowing individual to let on their profess truth wheresoever they provide is to arrange them that whatsoever command give take up you to your destination, and intimately Buddhist practices hold in necessarily finish up in mysticism.Hence, when one asks what Buddhism is, in some(prenominal) cases they be told that they have to bang it, as lyric poem cannot sufficiently exp lain it. This attribute is inherently religious sooner than philosophical. In the latter, one moldiness be unambiguous, musical composition in the former, things like faith, revelation and fortune telling are cornerstones. organism mystical, so gives Buddhism the coming into court of religion quite an than philosophy. All in all, I blastoff Buddhism is what one makes it.